Sequential sampling plans for inspection by variables for percent nonconforming ( known standard deviation) GB/T16307-1996计量截尾序贯抽样检验程序及抽样表(适用于标准差已知的情形)
The Bayes estimation of sequential sampling inspection for counted/ attributes data 计数型序贯抽样检查的Bayes估计
The basic principle and procedure of sequential Sampling inspection are discussed and the method of making the sequential sampling inspection plan equivalent to the original one is described, using the acceptance test for the density of impact point of a rocket as an example. 本文讨论火箭弹射击密集度序贯抽样检验的基本原理及进行步骤,并以某火箭弹射击密集度验收检验为例。说明根据原来的验收方案制订等效的序贯抽检方案的方法。
The Sequential Sampling Inspection for the Judgement of Medicine Efficiency and Condition Deduction 药物效用鉴定的序贯抽样检验方法和条件推导
Sequential sampling inspection and it's application in acceptance tests for the density of impact point of rocket 序贯抽样检验及其在火箭弹射击密集度验收检验中的应用